Because Owning And Flying Your Beechcraft Can Be Done Safely AND For Less Money!
  Old Bob's J35 Bonanza Firewall Access Mod


Here is a modification done by Beechcraft maven and ancient aviator, Old Bob* (pictured above and gone West on 5 June 2024).

His Obituary is HERE


This is how Old Bob describes his project:


I installed the Aviation Research Stainless Steel Battery Box modification as per the STC. After that was accomplished, I modified the stainless steel firewall plate that came with the kit so that it is fastened with screws instead of rivets. It is now removable.


I tried it out and it took me twenty-four minutes to disconnect and remove the battery, remove the battery box, and remove the firewall panel. Not bad as far as I am concerned.


It gives me a hole in the firewall roughly the same size as the old battery access door.. Combine that with the great access I get from the easily removed panel mounted components and it is the easiest to work on panel I have seen.


As I am sure you are all aware, it is NOT legal to install an STC in any way other than as described in the STC. However, after the STC is installed in accordance with the STC, alterations can be made that are in accordance with AC 43.13-1B.


You realize, of course, that I did install it strictly in accordance with the STC and then made the modification that would allow it to be easily removed. To do otherwise would have been illegal.


The idea was to provide access through the firewall on the right side in a manner similar to what is available via the kidney panel on the left side.


The kit from Aviation Research is big enough to allow plenty of room around the edges for adequate seals to be used. I used the same sealing materials as were used on the factory Kidney panel. I also added some filler plates to the old firewall to make better areas for the seals to hit.


I believe that Bob B. may have made a similar modification to his H35. Since I was installing the Auracle at the same time, I was able to eliminate many of the wires and plugs that originally had to go through the firewall, but now go to the Auracle box which is mounted on the kidney panel.


Getting rid of that ancient monster Cannon plug and many other wires made the whole deal a lot cleaner. All of that was in accordance with the Auracle STC.


Without the Auracle, the modification to the battery box would not have worked as nicely.







J35 Bonanza with IO-550



Old Bob



Bob Siegfried

Ancient Aviator

(630) 985-8502

Stearman N3977A

Brookeridge Air Park LL22




Here is the Aviation Research Bonanza SS Battery Box Mod




Hammock Aviation Bonanza Stainless Steel Battery Box





Thanks Old Bob, for a great tip on a functional mod that might be considered in conjunction with the Stainless steel battery box mod.